Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well, I only had to spend one whole day in CT and I'm now in MA. So far its been great! I crossed the 1500 mile mark! Its funny how at first the 100 mile mark is so significant, so is the 200 mile mark. Then the 460. Then the 700. then half way. Then 1500. Its been a while since I was super excited to cross a certain mile marker. So with less than 700 miles to go I'm feeling stronger than ever, I feel like I've got a real good balance between hiking and having a good time, and excited for what the rest of the trail has in store for me.


I was hiking with Marty McFly near Salisbury, CT and the trail goes along the road for a bit. We decided to go to town for a hot lunch (it has been raining quite a bit) and try to find a place to dry our clothes. As we walked along this lady started yelling at us. We couldn't hear because of the cars so we went over to her. She asked if we were looking for the trail. We responded "no we're trying to get to town to get some food. Do you know the fastest way there?" Well she said "you could either take this road here, or [throws the keys] you could take my car." We refused, she insisted. Marty, trying to convince her to not give us her car said "we need to find a coin laundry too, it'll just take too long." This was a sorry argument it turns out because she says "I've got one of those too" She had to leave for some physical therapy, left us her car and the keys to her house. All she asked us to do was to not pet the dog. I was shocked and amazed by her trust of two hiker bums on a rainy morning.

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