Saturday, April 24, 2010


I made it to Franklin, NC today with a bit of rain from 6:30 till 8:30 or so. Had some trail magic at the end of the Winding Staircase Gap. This older couple hooked me up with some hot chocolate and a couple of cookies. It was real nice. Got a ride in to Franklin, showered, washed my clothes in the shower (for the lack of laundry facilities) and went to eat at Mi Casa, just across the street. It was pretty good. It was nice to have something spicy again.

Tonight we say "bye" to Bill, or Juma. He's a 64 year old gentleman that is sectioning the AT hoping to finish in the next couple of years. He's a real nice fella and will go as far as us young bucks do even if it does take him a bit longer to do it. He is always the first one out of camp so he can get ahead then lets us pass as soon as he hears us behind him. Daks is skipping the next 20 miles because he has already done it. Me and Boundless are hoping to catch up to him in the next few days. We have been pulling some long days, a 17, then a 14. The 17 just about killed me- my left quad was in rough shape. I hydrated well, slept a lot, took some IBU Profin, and woke up feeling golden. I also found some acorns and dogfood in my shoe... I blame it on the squirrels. We then pumped out the 14 miles by 12:30. So we spent the rest of the day BSing and eating. It was glorious. Then last night the mice were out and about, trying to find what food they could. They were loud little buggers. Kept waking me up. I will sleep well tonight!

Assuming the tornadoes decide to pass on, Boundless, Freeman, Red Bear Spider Monkey, and I will probably pump out a 16 miler tomorrow and 12 the day after that. We are well on our way to getting our "trail legs". I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Adam don't kill yourself in the first month!!! Sounds like you're doing good. Thanks for the posts, been wondering when we'd hear from ya. Stay away from those bears! Miss you and love you!
