Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More details...

So our group has tripled in size. I can't help it that we're so fun to be around! But this poses some new problems. I don't really like big groups. There isn't room for everyone in a shelter and sometimes not even in the camping areas around it. It sure makes for a good time though! There is always someone coming up with something witty to say or something crazy to do.

Yesterday evening I was able to break away for the night while 12 others cowboy camped on top of McAfey's Knob to wait for the sunrise. I saw 3 more bear. I was speeding down the trail trying to beat the setting sun the .6 miles to the next campground. I came to a switchback and saw what I thought was a charred stump start to move. I realized that it was a cub. First instinct then is to look for mama. There she was with her other cub. I reached for my camera but that noise alerted the mom and she called back her curious cub. I stayed for a few minutes and watched them breaking a log looking for grubs to eat. As I passed on by I had a cool experience. At the risk of sounding like a hippie, I had the most amazing feeling of peace come over me. I think, for the first time I embraced the Earth instead of fighting her. I realized that all that I have been given, allowed to experience is for me but that from this I have to do something. I don't know what that is but I will know before the end of my hike.

The Modest Mouse song that says "someday somehow something's going to steal your carbon" came to mind. The interconnectedness of everything is astounding. I wonder why it is so easy to forget just how much we need this Earth and how we can take it for granted. A good friend of mine scolded me once for referring to something as "man made". Everything is already here and we decide to make some interesting combinations or alterations without thinking about the consequences. So I have resolved to think about ways to conserve what I use.

For more story-like reports please check out Stucco's blog.

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