My name is Adam. Welcome to the jungle of my brain! Thank you for your interest! A bit about me; I am 24, raised in a good home by good parents who love me, when I'm not being too serious I'm being childish, I have about a year to go to get my Bachelor's degree in Physics Teaching ( I want to teach high school), I have run 3 marathons, I am an Eagle Scout, I am Mormon, I drive bus to pay for school (I'm currently debt free), and last, but most importantly, I'm not perfect, but I am a good person.
The purpose of this blog is to record some of the highlights of the next chapter of my life. I am hiking the Appalachian Trail. All 2,185 miles of it from Georgia to Maine. My scheduled start is the 15th of April. It will take me the better part of 5 months. Now, most of you are probably thinking to yourselves, "what the hell? Are you crazy?!" I have to say in reply, "maybe so." I feel more at peace about this decision than i ever did about attending university. If that's not crazy then I don't know what is!
To help you understand where I'm coming from, here are some of the many reasons I'm starting this trek;
I love to discuss, debate, and inform. Therefore, I appreciate comments, questions, jokes, etc of all kinds (please keep language and humor to a PG-ish level as my mom will likely be reading this) including remarks on theology, philosophy, science, current political news, etc. I am looking to deepen my understanding of these things and challenging me will, I believe, enhance this experience. Please comment!
Oh, encouragement is also appreciated...
The purpose of this blog is to record some of the highlights of the next chapter of my life. I am hiking the Appalachian Trail. All 2,185 miles of it from Georgia to Maine. My scheduled start is the 15th of April. It will take me the better part of 5 months. Now, most of you are probably thinking to yourselves, "what the hell? Are you crazy?!" I have to say in reply, "maybe so." I feel more at peace about this decision than i ever did about attending university. If that's not crazy then I don't know what is!
To help you understand where I'm coming from, here are some of the many reasons I'm starting this trek;
- I am seeking something spiritually and I feel close to God in nature
- I am seeking discipline-mental, physical, and emotional
- I want a more natural healthy diet
- I am seeking new experiences- stretch my comfort zone and develop abilities
- I want to get away from all these modern "necessities" and see what that is like
- I want to hear people's perspectives that have already experienced this
- I want to establish myself with more firm philosophies, values, and priorities.
I love to discuss, debate, and inform. Therefore, I appreciate comments, questions, jokes, etc of all kinds (please keep language and humor to a PG-ish level as my mom will likely be reading this) including remarks on theology, philosophy, science, current political news, etc. I am looking to deepen my understanding of these things and challenging me will, I believe, enhance this experience. Please comment!
Oh, encouragement is also appreciated...